Desarrollo/ Development

-Coronary arteries form by developmental reprogramming of venous cells:

Determining the coronary artery developmental program could aid understanding of the disease and lead to new treatments...

 Coronary arteries from venous cell


 -Express yourself: How zygotes sort out imprinted genes

Researchers at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Toronto Western Research Institute peel away some of the enduring mystery of how zygotes or fertilized eggs determine which copies of parental genes will be used or ignored.


jueves 23 de febrero de 2012

Apuntes y noticias de biología celular

Metabolic oxidation regulates embryonic stem cell differentiation:

 By monitoring the reduced and oxidized glutathione ratio as well as ascorbic acid levels, we demonstrate that the stem cell redox status is regulated during differentiation....


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